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Climate Pledges Explorer

From policy ambition to real action, the IEA’s latest interactive database provides country and regional outlooks on climate commitments and net zero pledges

Time to take stock

The IEA Climate Pledges Explorer analyses Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for more than 190 countries, estimating energy sector CO2 emissions implied by their current mitigation targets. It also provides a complete repository of governments’ net zero pledges, including their legal status and target year. The Climate Pledges Explorer aims to be a useful tool to governments, industry, and civil society to understand national climate targets, and will be updated annually in the lead up to COP.

If you have any feedback, recommendations for improvement or if you identify inconsistencies, please contact us:

Historical and NDC estimates are energy CO2 emissions from fuel combustion only. Historical emissions are calculated using IEA's energy balances and the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. NDCs estimates are IEA assessment and its linear interpolation do not represent a trajectory and includes a confidence interval of 90%, please check the documentation for more details on our methodology. The NDCs shown in the chart start from the submission year of the document and not the original base year, up to 2021 (latest CO2 historical data available).


The variety of NDC formats does not always allow a straightforward analysis for the energy sector. A structured methodology is required to analyse and calculate CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. The IEA identified five main categories for analysis, upon which we structured the methodology used for the analysis. The guiding principle is to reflect as much as possible the original content of the NDC, where feasible.

Format Methodology
The NDC includes the contribution of the energy sector in its economy-wide target. We apply the emission mitigation rate for the energy sector between the base year and 2030 to IEA’s CO2 historical data.
The NDC reports economy-wide estimates, excluding LULUCF. We apply the emission mitigation rate excluding LULUCF between the base year and 2030 to IEA’s CO2 historical data.
The NDC reports economy-wide estimates, including LULUCF. For major economies, we apply internal modelling data assumptions for LULUCF evolution by 2030. We then apply the emission mitigation rate excluding LULUCF between the base year and 2030 to IEA’s CO2 historical data.
Estimates for the energy sector are aligned with data extracted from other official documents (e.g. Biennial Update Reports, National Communications). In this case, a note is displayed in the Explorer.
The economy-wide emission mitigation rate between the base year and 2030 is applied to IEA’s CO2 historical data. A note is shown in the Explorer when this methodology is used.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this data explorer is based on the International Energy Agency’s review of countries’ publicly available climate pledges. The data do not reflect official targets or emission trajectories for these countries. Of note, the explorer provides only the IEA’s estimation of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion, excluding other greenhouse gas emissions, and therefore may differ from assessments made by other organisations. Moreover, the data in the explorer is not a result of the IEA’s Global Energy and Climate Model, but rather an analysis of emissions implied by official NDCs submitted to the UNFCCC. Any comparison to the IEA’s scenarios should recognise the distinct framing of each scenario. This explorer, as well as any data included herein, is without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. The explorer reflects the views of the IEA Secretariat but does not necessarily reflect those of individual IEA member countries. The IEA makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in respect to the Explorer’s contents (including its completeness or accuracy) and shall not be responsible for any use of, or reliance on, the database. Please refer to the methodology documentation below for more information.