Energy Sub-Saharan Africa - logo

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  • European Union

    The IEA’s ‘Energy Sub-Saharan Africa’ project is funded by the European Union and is designed to support the aspirations of selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa to improve their energy data management and long-term energy planning.

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Improving energy data management and long-term energy planning

“An Affordable and Sustainable Energy System for Sub-Saharan Africa” (Energy Sub-Saharan Africa) is a 5-year (2019-2024) programme funded by the European Union that is designed to support the aspirations of selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to improve their energy data management and long-term energy planning.

The long-term objective of the programme is to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth in selected Sub-Saharan African countries through the transition towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient energy sector, while delivering universal and affordable energy access to all.

Capacity building activities

Technical support and capacity reinforcement to develop sustainable national energy information systems and energy modelling capability

The main activities of the programme include technical support and capacity reinforcement to selected Sub-Saharan African countries to develop sustainable national energy information systems and energy modelling capability, to improve tracking against energy-related NDCs, SDGs, and other energy and climate policy goals, as well as long-term energy planning. To date, a total of ten sub-Saharan African countries are officially participating in the programme and will benefit from the programme's capacity building activities.

Energy data

Reliable data is essential for planning and monitoring the effectiveness of energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and investments

Reliable data is essential for planning and monitoring the effectiveness of energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and investments. This, in turn, is critical for increasing governments’ capacities to make and implement evidence-based and data-driven policies, and for measuring progress against SDG 7 targets. Within this Activity, the IEA will, as appropriate, develop and make freely available comparable, reliable, country-level energy statistics for sub-Saharan African countries and in particular efforts will be put to release enhanced data for the countries selected to participate to the programme. The IEA will also ensure the data availability beyond the duration of the programme.

Supporters and partners

  • European Union

    The IEA’s ‘Energy Sub-Saharan Africa’ project is funded by the European Union and is designed to support the aspirations of selected countries in sub-Saharan Africa to improve their energy data management and long-term energy planning.

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