Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer
Understanding the contributions of specific fuels and sectors to GHG emissions associated with combustion of fuels from 1971 to 2021 for over 205 countries and 38 regions
Cite data tool
IEA (2023), Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer, IEA, Paris
Explore the data
The data explorer and the dataset are designed to assist in understanding the contributions of specific fuels and sectors to GHG emissions associated with energy for each country globally. The database includes estimates of total GHG emissions from energy and related indicators, covering CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions from fuel combustion, as well as fugitive emissions.
It is estimated that energy accounts for more than three-quarters of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions globally. The IEA Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy dataset provides a full analysis of historical country-level emissions stemming from energy use, and has become an essential tool for analysts and policy makers.