22 Jun 2015 Workshop — Paris, France

Industry/business use of ‘complementary measures’ for decarbonisation: Looking beyond pricing and regulation to voluntary and other approaches


While pricing mechanisms and regulatory mandates have a central role to play in promoting decarbonisation efforts, there are also a variety of other 'complementary approaches' being explored by policy makers and business to achieve this end. These include voluntary partnerships between the public and private sectors, business/civil society collaborations, unilateral company-led initiatives, and a variety of shareholder driven efforts [including by government as shareholders, i.e. state-owned enterprises (SOEs)].  

This workshop will present an occasion to share experiences around the use of these complementary measures and the opportunities and challenges they pose, as well as to provide a more complete 'inventory' of these approaches and the contexts in which they are being implemented. 




Welcome and opening remarks

Session 1: Overview of the landscape – towards a typology of complementary approaches and a conceptual framework for action

Session 2: Focus on assessment – how well are these programs doing / what criteria do we use for evaluation?

Session 3: Complementary programs from around the world (break-out groups)

Group A: Voluntary agreements and government-initiated programs

Group B: Business/NGO collaborations and company-led initiatives

Session 4: Challenges and opportunities in developing and transition economies and SOEs

Session 5: Possible role for complementary actions beyond Paris – reports from breakout groups and suggestions for next steps