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Monthly Electricity Statistics

Monthly electricity production and trade data for all OECD member countries and electricity production data for a selection of other economies


In the OECD, the total net electricity production was 862.0 TWh in November 2023, up by 1.6% compared to November 2022.

Electricity production from fossil fuel sources continued to decline (-2.8% year-on-year1), largely due to reduced production from coal fired power plants (-8.8% y-o-y). Specifically, the reduction in production from the United States (-8.7% y-o-y), Germany (-26.7% y-o-y), Poland (-18.7% y-o-y), Japan (-7.7% y-o-y) and the Republic of Türkiye (-10.7%) drove the overall trend of this decrease in coal-fired electricity generation.

Conversely, net electricity production from renewable energy remained higher than the same period last year (+6.0% y-o-y), a trend that has been consistent since July 2023, driven by higher production from wind (+5.1% y-o-y) and solar power (+10.9%). In OECD Europe, hydro power was also a large contributor to the increase of renewables in the electricity mix (+32.9%), as the region experienced a wetter late summer and fall than in 2022.

Electricity production from nuclear power increased by 6.0% y-o-y, as production in France rebounded from the low levels of 2022 (+27.7% y-o-y) but remained shy of 2021 levels. In OECD Asia Oceania, Japan and Korea also showed a large increase in generation from nuclear power plants compared to 2022 (+45.1% and 12.2% y-o-y, respectively).

Highlight of the Month

In Korea, electricity production from renewables was strong in November 2023, reaching 4.5 TWh and increasing by 21.9% or 0.8 TWh compared to the same month last year. All renewable technologies contributed to this positive y-o-y variation, led by wind (+82.9% y-o-y), combustible renewables (+31.5% y-o-y), solar (+13.1% y-o-y) and to a lesser extent by hydropower (+7.5% y-o-y). Overall, renewables provided 9.4% of the country total net electricity production.

Korea: absolute y-o-y renewable electricity production variation in November 2023


1 Year-on-year (y-o-y) change over corresponding month of previous year.

2 Month-over-month (m-o-m) change over previous month.

* Monthly data for combustible renewables are estimated based on IEA annual data.