Examining the social and economic impacts of the shift to cleaner energy technologies

Our Energy Future: The Global Commission on People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions was established on 26 January 2021. The commission currently has 30 members and brings together government leaders, ministers and prominent thinkers.

The Commission's work comes at a critical moment in clean energy transitions around the world. As countries seek to advance their shifts to clean energy technologies, the success of these efforts will rest on enabling citizens to benefit from the opportunities and navigate the disruptions. This includes social and economic impacts on individuals and communities, as well as issues of affordability and fairness.

Commission members will explore these questions in depth, taking into account the need to see people as active participants in clean energy transitions – in collective decision-making and through individual actions and behaviours. Equity and inclusion issues will also be examined, including gender equality. The commission’s meetings resulted in key recommendations in advance of COP26.


Our actionable recommendations draw on recent experiences and best practices from around the world. The Commission recognises that local circumstances and clean energy pathways will differ, and therefore these recommendations may be applied in different ways. The Commission intends for these recommendations to influence the clean energy policies and programmes of governments, funders, investors and international organisations globally in order to maximise their benefits to people and ensure the overall success of clean energy transitions on the path to net zero.

Read the recommendations

Commission Members

Honorary Patron





Policies for People – Best practice in people centred policymaking

The Voice of Labour in Our Inclusive Energy Future

Behavioural Insights for Inclusive Energy Policy

A Focus on Gender Equity and Social Inclusion

Launch of the Recommendations

Action for Implementing People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions